Email correspondence policy

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When you send us an email, please be aware of our policy as follows:

♦  Our office has a respectful workplace policy. Just like in-person visits, emails with insults, threats, or coarse language will not be accepted and will not receive a response. Such emails can be edited and resent with respectful language.

♦  Your message will be reviewed by my constituency office. However, due to the volume of email I will not able to respond personally to all emails.

If your email is specifically related to the Ministry of Forests, we will forward your email to the Ministerial office at: You can expect a reply from the Ministerial office; you do not need to re-send your email.

♦  The following emails will not receive a reply and are received as information only:

  • Anonymous emails
  • Emails received as a “cc” or as a “forward” that do not have a specific inquiry for the MLA or her staff.

♦  Unknown attachments or links may not be opened due to the potential threat of viruses.

♦  If you are a Kootenay West resident, we will be pleased to handle your inquiry. Please make sure your email includes the following:

  • Your full name
  • Address
  • Telephone number

♦  If you do not reside in the Kootenay West constituency, please contact your local Member of Legislative Assembly:

♦  If you are writing concerning a federal matter, please contact your local Member of Parliament:

♦  Please be assured the confidentiality of an email sent to this office is adhered to and respected, although some correspondence may be shared with colleagues that are needed to assist in the resolution of your matter. Consent forms will need to be signed to discuss certain sensitive information, such as most financial and medical matters.